
截屏2023-03-09 11.40.40.png


It is common nowadays for people to casually throw away their goods on a daily basis, rather than recycling it. It is important for us to understand the reasons and find some solutions to tackle with this situation.

In contemporary life, the standard of life has had a dramatic improvement in many countries, especially some developed countries. People can earn much more money than before and can have enough money to buy almost anything they want in the market. The consequence is that they more and more ignore the value of the commodities they buy. whenever something is broken, compared with repairing it, buying another new one is always a better choice to them, although it is not environmental friendly. By contrast, those people who lived in past time when the level of economy is not as developed as that nowadays, facing these situation, they may choose to repair it to save more money.

Another reason is that although many people in our society would like to send some clothes they do not want to wear to someone in need, but doing such a thing is hard in many places. It is not only because they can not easily find the needy people but also because much time can be cost during the process of donating something like clothe. These inconvenience may prevent many people from donating things and cause many of them to form a throw-away habit.

To solve the problem, our government need to take actions, like doing some promotion and advertisement in community. Many citizens, after knowing the difficulty of some people in rural areas may create a sense of sympathy and value the things they own more. Thus, they may would like to donate some necessities which they would have thrown away to other people. When such a behavior forms a trend, all members in our society may see the throw-away habit as a shame. Before long, we could no longer see similar bad behavior happening again in our life.

To be concluded, both the development of economy and the inconvenience cause this problem. Government can take some actions to solve it.